Customs clearance

Customs clearance services are provided on the territory of Europe, the USA, the countries of South and North America, the countries of the former CIS and Russia, and in compliance with all laws and legal obligations, as well as the requirements for non-tariff regulation, both for export and import, as well as in transit.
If you prefer a transparent scheme for passing customs control and want to have the status of an honest importer and value the reputation of your company, then the best option for you is to go through customs clearance of the goods, in accordance with all the rules and regulations.
Customs clearance of special equipment and spare parts for it, as well as spare parts for cars and motor vehicles, customs clearance of clothes and shoes, personal belongings when moving, food.
Registration on any, both in groupage cargo, and in whole containers and ships.
In order to keep your communication with the customs authorities to a minimum, you can contact us. Our analysts will select the correct codes, the specialists of the certification department will prepare the necessary list of documents for non-tariff regulation, and the declarants will fill in all the documents for filing, if necessary, we provide surveyor services.
In order to register a particular cargo at the customs, a lot of skills, knowledge and efforts are required. It is extremely difficult to go through the customs control procedure on your own. Therefore, at present there are special logistic services, for example, our “Energo F”, which provide assistance in passing customs. To make customs clearance services available to you, you conclude an agreement with us, in which you transfer all powers so that we declare your cargo. Our company undertakes the execution of all the necessary documents, including certification and other measures of non-tariff regulation, for the smooth passage of customs procedures when importing and exporting goods abroad.
Since the procedure for passing through customs in recent years has become more and more complicated, the problem of the so-called “gray import” has become more urgent. What does it mean? The situation speaks for itself. Cases of import and export of goods through unofficial channels, where payments are too low, where there is a violation of customs rules and regulations, have become more frequent.
The realities of today’s business only confirm the fact of the “gray” scheme of customs clearance of documents. Some entrepreneurs consider this option more profitable, since there is no need to pay many state duties and payments, and there is no need to pay for the services of a foreign trade specialist. However, such a procedure can be much more expensive if you have to pay a considerable amount for the risk of the operation. In addition, in this case, you do not receive a one hundred percent guarantee of quality, and you may also be unsure of the consistency and authenticity of the certificates issued by such customs.

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Customs clearance


Our address
198261, St. Petersburg, Narodny Avenue Militia, d.201, lit.A, room 1H: office No. 2-16
Office contact details:
+7 (918) 908-72-71